Items in our library may be borrowed between meetings, usually for one month. Titles include those listed here. Members interested in a particular book should contact Ellen Brannin before the next meeting.
- Letters & Alphabets, , Dover Pictura (book and CD)
- Historic Calligraphic Alphabets, Baker, Arthur, Dover Publications
- Roman Capitals, Baker, Arthur, Dover Publications
- Monograms and Alphabetic Devices, Cirker, Howard & Blanche, Dover Publications
- Art in the Alphabet: A History of the Evolution of Hand Lettering, Day, Lewis F, Dover Publications
- Ornamental Alphabets and Initials, Harding, Alison, Thames and Hudson
- _Allover Patterns with Letter Form_s, Larcher, Jean, Dover Publications
- Alphabets and Ornaments, Lehner, Ernst, Dover Publications
- The Illuminated Alphabet, Menten, Theodore, Dover Publications
- The Illuminated Alphabet, Seligman, Patricia & Noad, Timothy, Sterling Publishing Co.
- Calligraphy Workstation
- Notebook of Calligraphy Handouts donated by a former member
- The Graceful Envelope 1996
- The Gutenberg Bible, The Huntington Library, San Marino, CA
- Calligraphic Swash Initials, Baker, Arthur, Dover Books
- Cyberstudy - Pointed Brush - 2000, Vol. 1, Number 1
- Ornamental Calligraphy, Becker, George J., Dover Publications
- The First Writing Book (Arrighi’s Operina), Benson, John J., Yale University Press
- Pen & Brush Lettering, A Book of Alphabets, Ed. Booth, Stuart, et. al., Studio Vista
- Wind Songs, Botts, Timothy, Tyndale House
- Door Posts, Botts, Timothy, Tyndale House
- More Than Fine Writing: Irene Wellington, Calligrapher (1904-84), Child, Heather et. al., The Overlook Press
- How to Become a Professional Calligrapher, David, Stuart, Taplinger
- Medieval Calligraphy: Its History and Technique, Drogin,Marc, Allanheld, Osmun & Co.
- The Glory of the Page, Glasgow University Library
- Complete Studio Tips for artists and graphic designers, Gray, Bill, W. W. Norton & Co.
- The Calligrapher’s Project Book, Haines, Susanne, Harper Collins
- Creative Lettering, Harvey, Michael
- Decoration and Its Uses, Johnston, Edward, Ten Speed Press
- Writing & Illuminated Lettering, Johnston, Edward, Dover Publications
- Calligraphy in the Copperplate Style, Kaufman, Herb & Homelsky, Geri, Dover Publications
- The Calligrapher’s Handbook, Lamb, C. M. (editor), Faber & Faber
- Learning Gothic, Lincoln, Abraham, Abraham Lincoln
- Ornamental Pictorial Calligraphy, Lupfer, E. A., Dover Publications
- Creative Calligraphy, Lynskey, Marie, Baker, Land and Unwin
- Learning Copperplate Spencerian Script, Menser, Larry, Hunt Speedball
- Choirs of Angels, Metropolitan Museum of Art
- The Illuminated Alphabet, Noad, Timothy & Seligman, Patricia, Running Press Quarto
- The Art of Color Calligraphy, Noble, Mary & Adrian Waddington, Running Press
- Paint Your Own Illuminated Letters, Oliver, Stephan, Chartwell Books
- Brush Lettering, Reaves, Marilyn and Schulte, Eliza, Design Books
- Borders for Calligraphy, Shepherd, Margaret, Perigee
- Calligraphy Alphabets Made Easy, Shepherd, Margaret, Perigree
- Calligraphy Projects for Pleasure and Profit, Shepherd, Margaret, Perigee
- Using Calligraphy, Shepherd, Margaret, Collier Books
- Pen Calligraphy, Strom, Fran of Aha Calligraphy (VHS Video)
- Left-Handed Calligraphy, Studley, Vance, Dover Publications
- Written Letters, Svaren, Jacqueline, Taplinger Publishing
- Pots & Pens Three- a Cook Book of Favorite Recipes, Valley Calligraphy Guild, Valley Calligraphy Guild
- Sixth Manual for the Calligraphic Arts, Van Milligen, Jane, Center for Calligraphic Arts
- Fifth Manual for the Calligraphic Arts, Van Milligen, Jane, Center for Calligraphic Arts
- Fourth Manual for the Calligraphic Arts, Van Milligen, Jane, Center for Calligraphic Arts
- Third Manual for the Calligraphic Arts, Van Milligen, Jane, Center for Calligraphic Arts
- Second Manual for the Calligraphic Arts, Van Milligen, Jane, Center for Calligraphic Arts
- Manual for the Calligraphic Arts, Van Milligen, Jane, Center for Calligraphic Arts
- Mastering Copperplate Calligraphy, Winters, Eleanor, Dover
- The Art of Hand Lettering, Wotzkow, Helm, Dover Publications
Calligraphy for Children
Yours Truly, King Arthur, Drogin, Marc, Taplinger Publishing
Calligraphy Calendars
- 1986 Engagement Calendar-Magic, Calligraphers, Taplinger Publishing
- 1981 The Engagement Calendar, Calligraphers, Taplinger Publishing
- Calendar of Country Knowledge and Extraordinary Americana, Epstein, Glen, Dover Publications
- Collection of Calendars-1989-1996, 1998, Sarnack, Phyllis, self
- Proverbs for the Present 2005, Printery House
Copy Art
Copier Creations, Fleischman, Paul, Harper Trophy
Layout and Design
- Ready-to-Use Layouts for Desktop Design, Collier, David & Floyd, Kay, North Light Books
- Design with Type, Dair, Carl, University of Toronto Press
- Using Calligraphy, Layout and Design Ideas, Furber, Alan, Sterling
- Layout and Design for Calligraphers, Furber, Alan, Taplinger
- Design Basics, Lauer, David, Holt, Rinehart & Winston
- Graphic Design Cookbook, Koren, Leonard and Meckler, R. Wippo, Chronicle Books
- Alphabet-Journal of the Friends of Calligraphy back issues
- Bound & Lettered back issues
- Calligraph, Fall 2017
- Calligraphy Idea Exchange, Spring 1987, & Summer 1986
- Calligraphy Review back issues
- Letter Arts Review back issues
- Society of Scribes Journal, Fall 2000
- The Family Album, DeMoss, Arthur and Nancy, The Family Album
- A Modern Book of Hours, Denmon, Cherry
- The Beauty of Life, Gibran, Kahlil, Hallmark
- So, Stick a Geranium in Your Hat and Be Happy!, Johnson, Barbara, Word Publishing
- Happy Birthday, , Peter Pauper Press
- Ideas for Our Time, Peter, Dr. Larence, Morrow