Genesee Valley Calligraphy Guild Logo

February Meeting

First, we have two Orders of Business

Dues are DUE in March! Please send your information and check for $20 to Marian Henry. If your dues and information are not received promptly, your name may not appear in this year’s directory. If there are no changes to your information, kindly note that along with your check number. Thank you!

Second, although our current meeting location is working for the time being, Barnes and Noble is not doing well overall. We risk losing our venue without notice. We are exploring other options.

Our March meeting will be held at the Perinton Community Center at 1350 Turk Hill Road. Find directions here:

Third, there are a total of 12 seats available for Annie’s Beginning Italic class. There will be homework because as in many things, you will get out of it what you put into it.

Presentation: Snowflakes with Lisa Fox

Lisa distributed coffee filters for the evening’s activity. These work well because they’re round and thin but sturdy.

She instructed us to begin by folding the circles in half, then half again. If you prefer 6 points to your snowflake, mark the center and use that point to fold your circle into thirds. Folding one side up and the other back avoids bunching the folds and results in a neater cut. If you like 12 points, proceed with your circle folded in quarters and fold that into thirds. Folding one side up and the other back is especially helpful because there will be twice as many layers.

Sketch your design in pencil onto the top section of your snowflake. Lisa’s handout shows her initials - just three letters in her spunky chunky Neuland - but a word can be made to work also. It helps to plan in terms of what you need to remove from the circle rather than what you want remaining.

Using sharp scissors and possibly a paper punch, proceed to cut away the extra paper. Hold tightly to keep the folds stacked.

Then unfold your amazing creation. The coffee filter will tend to take an umbrella shape. You may want to press it flat under a book or with a warm iron. Don’t worry, coffee filters are made to take the heat; your snowflake will not melt.